Saturday, April 16, 2016


We all criticize others of doing it. We all do it ourselves. I believe that it is a natural occurrence that one must cautiously think about to refrain from the act. Why though? Why do we constantly judge others and compare ourselves to the ever-changing idea of "perfection" when we all know perfectly well that "perfection" does not exist? I ponder this question and also wonder why we all waste so much time in high school when we revolve everything around that idea. Do we just not know better?
In the blog Jade's Declassified School Survival Guide, there is a post on "Insecurities".( This post poses the perfect question, "Why are we all insecure?". My answer to that is that we are all worried of others judging. We are worried about others doing the exact same thing we do to them. In my opinion, this prevents people from allowing their true personalities to shine, burying them deep in a shell of assimilation where no light comes through. I have heard people say college is the time where people find themselves, and I think that makes high school a place where we are judged to the point of where we do not even know who we are. Which adds on to the list of things that make high school the painful experience it is. 
Another thing we all tend to do that goes hand in hand with judging is assuming. The best people are the ones who stop rumors in their tracks and confront the person whom it is about. Every situation is only awkward if you allow it to be, and most likely the person will truly appreciate you asking. Sometimes, our closest friends are not able to ask us whether something said was true. Do not be that person. It is really aggravating knowing that no one is sticking up for you and people tend to do to you, what you do to them, therefore making it a win-win. Also, when you do discover what people say about you, and it is maybe not a great thing, just start laughing because irrelevant people attempt to drag people to their level to make them feel better about themselves. Those are the people whom we all have to be the very nicest to. 
I have also mentioned before the concept of sensitivity, this is relevant when speaking of judging because we all do need to not care what others think. As chichè as it sounds, it is one maturity point you will hopefully achieve during your years at high school. Now, I do tend to bag on high school a lot, not all of the experiences have been the most pleasant for me, and this blog attempts to aid other in avoiding those situations. However, if you make a conscious effort to not judge others, attempt not to assume things, be up front with people, and try to not care what others think, high school will be great! It's a long, difficult list to complete, barely possible, but achievable. 

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