Saturday, April 16, 2016


Whenever I see something in a movie or T.V. show where there is one person stomping grapes in a bucket, I am disgusted. Which, I believe is a natural reaction to have. The first thing I think about is the stinky feet sweat that is being mixed in with the grape juice, or the toenail fungus. Now I do not consider myself a germaphobe by any means, but some people think about the worst-case scenarios, like I do when I think about grape juice, as they regard everything in their day to day lives.
I think the line that I draw with what is unsanitary is fairly reasonable. Bugs should be no where around food unless you are outside, and if a fly lands on it while you are out there you probably will survive. If your teammate is thirsty and is not kneeling over by illness, let them have a drink. It is not like it is a stranger who might have just gotten done eating cockroaches or something. Plus, you should get over that pretty quickly if you ever plan on having a significant other, unless you are only planning to kiss them right after they brush their teeth. Washing your hands is something you should be doing regularly, but do not make it an obsessive habit. I personally think that a lot of the germs on your hands that you acquire throughout the day will in the long run only build up your immune system. Give your body a chance to build antibodies and fight against the illnesses you are so afraid of.
I understand that a phobia is a phobia and sometimes people are not able to prevent themselves from seeing the very worst things, and I feel bad for them. If I have chocolate cake at a graduation party and a fly lands on it, I am still eating that cake. To some people though that fly will have stolen that pleasure from them and I truly feel bad for them, because it was probably a really good cake. Maybe those who do not have an actual phobia of germs but just do not like them could just think of the heads up your body is getting throughout the day with the different germs you encounter.
Eat the cake.

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