Sunday, April 17, 2016

Work Ethic.

Does it even count anymore? Some people can fall asleep in every class yet still ace every test and correctly answer the questions your teacher attempts to trip them up on. As someone who still believes that work ethic is a dying skill that is still very aplicable, relevant, and valuable in this world, I am frustrated by the little it takes for some people to get by in high school these days. If you think about it, high school is only there to assist you in building your resume for colleges. In those resumes, two numbers that are the most important are your GPA, and the number representing how well you did on a standardized test. The people that are naturally smart and are good test takers are the ones whom which I am jealous of, the colleges will never know that they turned every assignment in late because they finish every test with flying colors. Past college, when we enter the real world, no business seeking workers is going to know that the applicant sitting n front of them is one of the laziest people there is because they got into a good college and graduated purely based on how well they could take a test.
Maybe it is because I was not blessed with photographic memory or having the ability to naturally understand math. Maybe it is because I was a gymnast for 12 years and the importance of hard work was instilled at my brain when I was just learning how to form sentences. Maybe these are the reasons that I will always be rubbed the wrong way when I am confronted with someone that has never had to work for what they want, and therefore does not have the motivation or work ethic to get things done when they need to be done. Life is unfair and I know it. Some people are just blessed with incredible talents and they choose to just ride them as long as it will take them. Others, the majority of us, who have to buckle down and really concentrate to get things done might have a disadvantage, but hopefully in our future work ethic and dedication might  become important once again.

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